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For Interview requests, to download a press kit for one of our films, or to review them, please email us and we will get back to you as soon as possible. 



Belen Fernandez

Belen Fernandez

"A truthful reconfiguring of Israel's "landscape of denial" poses an acute threat to the security of national mythology - which is why it is indeed "revolutionary"

Belén Fernández

Belén Fernández

“In Resistencia, Freeston’s extensive footage from post-coup Aguán transmits the collective excitement that comes with reclaiming the right to a dignified existence.”

Douglas Valentine

Douglas Valentine

"Lia Tarachansky’s heart-wrenching documentary, On the Side of the Road, reveals the Big Lie at the heart of the myth of the creation of Israel."

Adrian Mack

Adrian Mack

“You could say on December 8, 2009 that these farmers who made up the movements were some of the least powerful people in the world. They had no land; they had no work that they could count on; they were in a forgotten valley of a forgotten country. And then, on December 9, they’re holding all the cards. They were able to transform their reality."

Lisa Goldman

Lisa Goldman

"Tarachansky's method is not to blame or even to teach. It is to examine, narrate and let others speak for themselves."

Jennifer Avila

Jennifer Avila

"Freeston estuvo en los lugares precisos para captar la brutalidad...sin embargo, también nos muestra esos triunfos que los campesinos y campesinas han obtenido a pesar de los obstáculos."

Sarah Levy

Sarah Levy

"Not only does On the Side of the Road confront the reality of 1948, it examines how Israelis deal with that past today — how it is taught to the young; how the facts about it are available; how those facts are sometimes deliberately ignored."

Tim Macaluso

Tim Macaluso

"In one of the most powerful scenes in the film, Freeston talks to Blanca Espinoza, who is the first woman in the Aguan Valley to lead a land-reclamation effort. A defiant Espinoza says "I'm fighting so my kids never call me a coward who didn't even leave them a place to live.""

David Swanson

David Swanson

“The tears and the eloquence of the people affected must be watched; I cannot tell them to you.” “And the people in the country go right on taking back more of their land and reclaiming it as a source of life rather than death. These people need no aid. They need simply to be allowed to live.”


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